tarot reader consultancy in Delhi

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tarot reader consultancy in Delhi

Dipping them in Salt Water:-

Immersing the crystals in salt water will damage the crystals as it will make them brittle and weak overtime. I advise my clients to use an indirect method of salt cleansing, wherein you put the crystal in a glass container, and then put that container in a dish full of salt, instead of immersing the actual crystal in salt. This way the salt draws the negative energy out of the crystals without damaging them. https://www.tarotanswers.in/
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Re: tarot reader consultancy in Delhi

Sometimes there are also special draws called Super Lotto draws on certain key dates such as Valentine’s Day. These draws may take place outside the normal schedule (Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday) and will be announced in advance. The jackpot increases to the declared amount.

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Re: tarot reader consultancy in Delhi

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