What is WhatsApp Business API

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What is WhatsApp Business API

Whatsapp API has quite dynamic use cases for ecommerce business, lead generation being among the most important ones. After all, lead generation is the first part of the sales funnel. Having a larger top-of-the-funnel will provide your sales team more resources to work with, as well as more people to sell to. By using WhatsApp Chatbots, you can get customers to give you their details by adding a click-to-chat link on your advertising or marketing offerings present on your website, app, social media and so on. As the customer sends you a message, you will automatically get their name and phone number. The WhatsApp bot can subsequently be used to ask for more details like email ID or location
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Re: What is WhatsApp Business API

The WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that helps medium and large businesses communicate with customers more effectively. It allows you to integrate with CRMs, automate messages, and offer support through chatbots, making customer interactions smoother and more efficient. If you're looking to make the most of tools like this, check out make1m.com
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Re: What is WhatsApp Business API

Lucy Marrie
In reply to this post by Sinchwhatsapp
WhatsApp Business API helps businesses streamline customer communication, making it easier for companies like Customlin—a leading garment manufacturer in Guangzhou specializing in custom apparel—to manage orders, provide updates, and offer personalized support efficiently.